Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ethos, Pathos, Logos

So, like many other weeks in the past this week has FLOWN by so fast. I do not know where the time is going but I am glad that its not creepin!!!!! Anyway, at first I was really nervous about the essay but at this moment I am really eager to get to the assignment and see just how it is going to be. I am not saying that I am about to "kill it"-(dominate it) but I am saying that im going to try my hardest and relax a little because after this week of working on paper after paper after paper my stress level is up and I dont wanna hear the word essay for a long while :) but I know that is not going to happen which is why im feeling like "bring it on mr. ethos, pathos, logos" :). That concept is pretty hard to grasp to but I know if I have any difficulty after reviewing it in class Thursday I can go to Kate....and she will definately help me out. It really makes a HUGE difference when you have a good teacher who CARES---thats why I alway pick the GOOD ONES :)

Brittany Peterson


  1. I'm so happy for this week to be over! I definitely agree that we have a good teacher who cares about her students!

  2. I agree, ethos, pathos, logos is hard to grasp. There are so many things to keep in mind while writing this essay, I'm worried about it, but I hope, it goes better than I think. I guess time will tell.


  3. I’m ready for the week to be over but not for the weekend!!! I’m dreading more school. Well I wish I could say the same about how you think you’re going to kill this essay. I’m pretty nervous about it but Kate does help out a lot and if it wasn’t for her I would really be lost.
    -Ryan Adair
