Thursday, November 19, 2009

Check out this list

Here is a webiste that I came across. It is a link to all the Farmer's markets in town. Sorry but Wednesday is just not going to work for me! If you guys have to do the project without me that day that will be fine by me. I am positive that I can come up with a seperate presentation just for myself.




  1. Oh no, Brittany... You're going to be gone?!

  2. That's too bad Brittany! :(
    Maybe on Sunday when we talk to Kate we can come up with something better...

  3. Sarah- Yeah I am :( I thought I would be able to make it but I have soooo much to do before I leave town!

    Jenny- I knoooooo BUT thats fine we will discuss something when we meet today and if its no other alternative you guys can just do the project without me and I will be okay with the consequences, I am pretty sure it is an individual grade for the final project activity and maybe the presentation of the activity in front of the class is a group grade so my absence sholdnt effect anyone's grade but anyway, see you later!

