Friday, November 27, 2009


I hope that EVERYONE had a great Thanksgiving and you ate organics so you didnt have yto spend the night with a trash can lol but I spent most of my time on the road driving to see family out of town all alone :( anyway, tomorrow I am going to call the farmers markets in St Pete where I am and in Gainesville and some surrounding areas to see if they will be available for an interview for the project. I couldnt make it to the Union St market on wednesday because I had to come home and well I already told you all that story lol but ANYWAY I already made the appointment for Monday @ 10 a.m. in the library's study room I hope to see all you there AND like Jenny said we MUST get things DONE time is running short and we are TOOOO fantastic to fail/look like fools when we perform our masterpiece :) I know that this will go well and I think everyone would enjoy it! See you guys monday....



  1. Yep, Brittany, it's going to be fantastic! I hope all goes smoothly though when we are all up there doing our presentations...I'll be nervous, but I will just have to think and be positive...I'll be sure to bring my game face!

  2. Thank you for reserving the room! Hope you get a FANTASTIC interview!
