Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Library Session

The library class in how to research this class is always a huge help...even though I have been to that session before it is always really helpful because you forget how knowable their information really is. For our topic organic food is plentiful with arguments so that you can pick almost any food idea and run with it. On the Libraries research data base there are tons of information on organic food; I was researching some while the session was going on.

However, I do feel this paper is going to be the most complex paper of all of the papers we have written. To bad... wish English was getting easier while everything else is getting harder.

What do you think, Fantastic Five, about the video and the radio thing that Kate was talking about? Personally, I think a video would be easier well, maybe not. All of us will have to talk about that.


  1. I don't think any of the options will be easy.. but I think the video would be the most exciting. I'm interested in how our paper will turn out!! Don't worry Sarieboo you can do it!

  2. lol I think that are topic will be easier then some of the others, partley because the Organic Food topic is quite contraversal right now.
