Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Hey i know i said i was going to be able to make the farmer's market today, but something came up and i had to go back home to merritt island this morning. I know this is alot to ask, but if someone can ask a vender my question, Do you thing that organic food is worth the price? If nobody can, I understand and will figure something out. Thank you and sorry about this. Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


  1. hey Ryan, you might want to ask more than one question. You probably want to have at least 2 mins of video for your presentation! Try asking someone at Publix!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you can get someone at Publix to answer all of your questions!

  3. Brittany

    Ugh, I know what you mean when you said you couldnt make it I couldnt either time is running short and I have to get this interview A.S.A.P. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and you get someone to interview soon
