Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Writer's block

The papers are coming pretty fast now after we've completed the narrative. Although that one seemed like a piece of cake when I started writing and getting it corrected at the writing lab I found that my paper was missing a lot of things such as the points that Kate typed on the assignment sheet. Did it challenge your beliefs or feelings about something? or Did you discover something about yourslef or others? So, now we are on comparion and contrast and I have NO IDEA what ad I am going to write about let alone get a minimum of 750 words out on paper. I am not saying that it is impossible BUT I do know that it is pretty hard for me to get started on papers because of how scary the word "essay" is :) but, if push comes to shove....she said we can rewrite one paper in the semmester....depending on how this turns out: THIS MAY BE THE ONE THAT I WILL HAVE TO RE-DO!!!!!!



  1. That's a good idea to bring your essay into the writing lab. I think I will do that with this next essay! Good luck with finding the right ad! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yeah, the Writing Lab is a life-saver! I love it in there. It really helps having someone look over your work too cus most of the time at least of me when I look over my paper I just don't see the mistakes like a peer would.
